Our current collection „We take us where we come from“ is a homage to the island of Iceland. Because that is where the idea for Rothöll was born. For more than ten years, the island, which lies just below the Arctic Circle, has been our most important resource. Iceland inspires us; helps us to concentrate more on the essential. But we don’t just want to take, we also want to give something back. With our Iceland-Flora project, we draw our attention to nature. We celebrate the beauty of the plant world, but at the same time we also demonstrate its sensitivity and unpredictability. For more than two years we have been caring for angelica, white sea thrift, alpine toadflax and arctic campion. Violet, pink and white Alaskan lupins, sea campion, mountain avens and cotton grass also found their way to Leipzig. We observed the plants and impatiently awaited their blooming. A form of coexistence developed between us. In our collections cultural items and natural products become allies. A space opens up between them, in which is room for storytelling.
I would like to thank the Leipzig photographer Felix Adler for his extreme flexibility and unbroken motivation! In addition, the Leipzig Agency for Economic Development has supported the project. I am also very grateful for this!
A view behind the scenes.
And here are a few more impressions from the Rothöll Garden!
White Sea Thrift (Armeria maritima Alba)
Mountain avens (Dryas x suendermannii)
Angelica (Angelica archangelica)
Detail of angelica (Angelica archangelica)